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Monday 27 March 2017

Warp Films - British Independent Film Company



1. What films has Warp produced with dates?

2. Choose one film to focus on and discuss: 

• Box office takings UK & USA.
• Opening weekend for both
• Gross for both
• Discuss your findings

3. Media Ownership/ Conglomerates - What are the issues raised by media ownership in contemporary practice? Relate your response to Warp.

4. What is SYNERGY & Cross Media Convergence? Discuss. See last weblink for further details.

5. List and discuss new media technologies in the Film industry
6. How has technology spread with the use of technological convergence?
7. Which BIG Film & TV Industries have targeted British audiences and how?
8. How has your media consumption changed in the past 10 years?
9. List and discuss the differences between TWO British Film Companies.

British Films Slideshare

The Exam Focus - Section B Slideshow - Lionsgate Films

British Film Institute (BFI) Data & Statistics

1. What films have you watched recently? 

Discuss (10 mins)

2. Classify into genres. 

Discuss (10 mins)

3. How/ Where did you watch your film?  TV, DVD, Netflix, Cinema, download, streaming other? 

Discuss (10 mins)

4. On the prepared sheets handed out you are to now write down the films you have watched recently and using the BFI link above you will find out and collect the data requested.

20  mins 

5.You will now look at the target market for each of these films and write up the age, sex and class of the viewer to help you gauge how to describe and analyse films. 
(If not you will complete for homework).

(20 mins)

Friday 24 March 2017

Homework 8 & 9 - Pyscho/ Casualty analysis sound & sequence analysis

Watch this clip from Psycho (Hitchcock 1960) shower scene,  four times.

Make notes on shot and audio types.

We are analysing and focusing on cutting/ cross cutting, shot reverse and continuity/ function/ effect of editing.

Homework 8: (30 mins)

Question: How does the function and effect of editing and sound in this Pyscho clip construct the meaning about the relationship between the characters?

Homework 9: (30 mins)

Watch this clip from Casualty,  four times.

Make notes on shot and audio types.

We are analysing and focusing on cutting/ cross cutting, shot reverse and continuity/ function/ effect of editing.

Question: How does the function and effect of editing and sound in this Casualty clip construct the meaning about the relationship between the characters?

Tuesday 21 March 2017

Audio - Non Diegetic/ Diegetic

Sound, voice and music are integral to most films and/or film viewing experiences.

Even the earliest silent films were often shown with live musical accompaniment.

Sound enhances the imaginary world, it can provide depth, establish character and environment, introduce a new scene or cue the viewer to important information.

We have organized the page according to the following categories: sound sourcesound editing and film music.

Homework 6 & 7 Skins/ The A word

Today we analysed our exam revision papers and discussed methods of approach to TV Drama set question and video clips.

We watched: 

Doc Martin episode 1, series 1. (4 mins)

Discuss the ways in which the extract constructs the representation of regional identity using the following:

15 min essay.

Homework 6: Had to change to this episode guys, still the same area of represntation.

Skins Season 3 Episode 2 Part 1 (first 3.5 mins)

Discuss the ways in which the above extract constructs the representation of sexuality using the following:

  • Camera shots, angles, movement and composition
  • Editing
  • Sound
  • Mis-en-scene.
You will write a 30 minute essay answering the above question.

Homework 7

Watched this video link relating to: 
'The A Word' (about Autism).

Discuss the ways in which the extract constructs the representation of physical ability/ disability using the following:

  • Camera shots, angles, movement and composition
  • Editing
  • Sound
  • Mis-en-scene.


Section A: TV Drama: 
Video, watch 4 times then write - include theorists - 
read over all notes we have been through.

Section B: Analysis & Representation: 
Read question carefully: Gender, Equality, Age, Sexuality, 
Class & Status, Physical ability/ disability, Regional Identity.

It will be on one of those areas so you will need 4/5 examples for A to compare/ contrast etc include lots using technical terms. 3/4 = B. 2/3 = C. 1/2. 1 = D

Essay Structure

Sub-Point 1
Sub-Point 2
Supporting Evidence

                                          Opposing Point 1
                                          Sub-Point 1
                                          Sub-Point 2
                                          Supporting Evidence 
                                          Analysis of Supporting Evidence

                                                                        Main Point 2
                                                                        and so on until


Monday 20 March 2017

The rise of fake news

  • Fake news hit the headlines during the American elections, It has been highlighted by new president Donald Trump as a major issue for social media. research the following and create a 'case study'
  • This was supposed to be the information age. Instead, we find ourselves in a swamp of disinformation, rumor, innuendo and fake news. To cite a few examples: A false endorsement of Donald Trump by the pope on Facebook went viral misinformation about Trump and Hillary Clinton during the elections seemed to have a big influence how voters saw them and thier values, and ultimelty who they voted for.
  • Fake news websites (also referred to as hoax news[1][2]) deliberately publish hoaxespropaganda, and disinformation purporting to be real news—often using social media to drive web traffic and amplify their effect.[3][4][5] Unlike news satire, fake news websites seek to mislead rather than entertain readers, often for financial or political gain
  • We all depend on our media environment to give us a roughly accurate view of the world around us. Again and again, the proliferation of new sources has failed in this basic task – leaving people with systematically distorted views of the world, which in turn lead them to make bad decisions

  • Bending the truth for political gain is certainly nothing new - it’s propaganda, and the record of its uses stretch back to ancient times. Octavian famously used a campaign of disinformation to aid his victory over Marc Anthony in the final war of the Roman Republic
  • 20th century propaganda- Fueled by mass communication, propaganda grew in scale and persuasive power during the turmoil of the 20th centuries in a series of major ideological struggles. In World War One, the British government used propaganda very effectively in motivating the population against Germany, which was frequently depicted as "The Hun". The Nazi party used the growing mass media to build a power base and then consolidate power in Germany during the 1930s, using racial stereotyping to encourage discrimination against Jews. In the ensuing Second World War, the propaganda machine was used relentlessly by all sides across the media spectrum.

  • Barack Obama believes “fake news” is a threat to democracy. The outgoing US president said he was worried about the way that “so much active misinformation” can be “packaged very well” and presented as fact on people’s social media feeds.
  • A problem with media and Fake news is that problem is that retracting “fake news” on social media is currently poorly supported by the technology. Though posts can be deleted, this is a passive act, less impactful than even the single-paragraph retractions in newspapers. In order to have an impact, it would be necessary not simply to delete posts but to highlight and require users to see and acknowledge items removed as “fake news”.

1) What is Fase news? Is this a new thing?

2)Why is it important that useres of media can believe the information that they come across?

3) What is the issue at the moment? Why is Fake news a problem? Give an example from the Trump election.

4) What can be done to tackle fake news? what would be some other issues in current platforms?

Thursday 16 March 2017

Construction & Meaning - Title Sequences

Today we will look back at three title sequences from last lesson (see previous blog post).

• You will be focusing on Styles of title sequences and creating storyboards of the shot types in relation to regional location.

• You are to examine establishing shots in all three you have chosen.

• Examine signs and signifiers in the 30 second clips and illustrate on your storyboard also with analysis.

• Use your lists to help and guide you - TV drama booklets.

• Classwork:

Timed 30 minute written analysis of one/ two title sequences. How is the setting or theme of the TV drama represented?


Timed 30 minute textual analysis of a TV drama sequence of your choice from this weeks TV.

Shot Types

Tuesday 14 March 2017

Camera Shots & Techniques (CW&HW)

Today we are researching camera shots and techniques, extending on from your homework and last lesson.

Today you will find out what the following are and how/why they are used:
You must show an example and explain/ show its use.

1. Camera movement
2. Pan
4. Tilt
5. Dolly Crane
6. Stedicam/ Handheld
7. Zoom/ Reverse Zoom

We will complete a chart / worksheet  to analyse the opening sequence shots and camera movement on the following extracts:

1. Sherlock

2. Life on Mars 

3. New Tricks

4. Luther

5. Coronation Street - (original to now - use any)

6. Waterloo Road (original)

Friday 3 March 2017

Homework - 3 x Codes & Conventions sheets

Good work today everyone - good discussions and observations based on the 4 clips we discussed.

Chewing Gum
Happy Valley 
The A Word

Your sheets handed out; that we discussed showing genre styles and shows will assist you.

You must complete codes & conventions three sheets based on three (UK) TV Dramas.
Watch you 2-3 min clips about 6 times so you actually catch all of the information.

Good luck.
These are to be handed in on Tuesday next week in lesson.

Thursday 2 March 2017

G322 - TV Drama Clips

The following clips are here to allow you to view and analyse the first 2 - 3 minutes of various shows.